nine years ago, i was living in a sharehouse with a close friend from high school, alex. he was a couple years older than me — i think i was in year 9 and him in 11 or 12 when we met. he ended up getting me a job at a call-centre where he worked after i finished high school, and then when i moved out of home, a place in his sharehouse. the call-centre work wasn’t very glamorous, and i got a job doing software. about a year later, he expressed interest and i got him a job there.
not very long after, alex moved up in position, and a friend of a friend of his applied to replace him.
i remember seeing them on the couch in the common area as there was a bit of a dual- lunch/interview thing going, and feeling deeply suspicious. there was something about them i couldn’t pick, but i knew i didn’t like it.
they ended up getting the job, so soon enough i was seeing them every day. this was well before the days of slack or hipchat, so we all used instant messenger and used it to chat 1:1 when we weren’t getting up from our seats to interrupt them. little by little, starting with work topics, we began to chat, but eventually diverging into shared interests.
one of the things that made me feel suss about them, in retrospect, was my inability to gender them. i mean, their name gave them away, but visually i was baffled. i think years of queer-coding villains in media probably partly gave rise to that.
as we continued to chat, i started to feel we were building a kind of camaraderie. we cared about similar social justice issues. my own gender issues were coming to the fore, and while i still didn’t get theirs — at all — it became apparent they’d thought about gender a lot.
morgan and i have been close friends ever since, and ours is the longest close friendship i’ve had in all my life. (alex and i are still ‘friends’, but we might talk or see each other once or twice a year, whereas with morgan it’s once or twice a week, and we talk throughout the day, every day.) in many ways they’re the bar i rate my other friendships or relationships by; not in a mean or ranking-type way, but just, i know this is actually how good things can be. we’re similar in lots of ways and different in lots of ways, and we blend these aspects into a mutually fulfilling relationship.
using the word ‘relationship’, it’s become clear that neither of us actually knows how to characterise our relationship, whatever it is, and that we’re also both curious in talking about that. that interests me a lot. i’m fairly confident neither of us has even a little bit of romantic interest in the other — they might be more generally aromantic, even. but what we have is certainly completely different to any other “friendship” i have, and perhaps the same goes for them too. i care for them and am interested in them in a way i don’t know how to adequately describe. the term “queerplatonic relationship” often comes to mind.
even if there’s no romance, though, i’d still really like to hold their hand.