
on the second carriage from the front. the sky is overcast with some unevenness as the light filters through it.

i love the sounds of public transit but i love applying my own music to the journey even more, recasting the experience to suit my mood.

this dusk light is something else. i wish there was a carriage with the interior lights off or dimmed. i can’t imagine how amazing it would feel; dream-like and otherworldly, transformative. it’s simple stuff like that which really makes life feel exciting. expanding experience.

one thing i love about taking public transport in melbourne is getting a look at the sea of faces that make up our city. at this time there’s roughly 50:50 caucasian and not. and y’know, for a colonially settled city, that’s pretty great. maybe that’s one of the reasons i like box hill so much. i wonder if that’s just me trying to assuage my own white guilt tho.

we pass over auburn rd and there’s a glimpse of a mass of red and white lights from the cars below, gone as quickly as it appeared. lately multiple people have described the world as noir, and i’m feeling that now. there’s definitely a vague sense of unease that permeates the scene, hinting at dystopia, even though i can’t help but find beauty in everything i see. i see beauty but it doesn’t mean i don’t see what’s actually there too.

another train passes in the opposite direction just as the bass drops in the music i’m listening to. little drops of serendipity.