green tea
it’s time for some “twinings pure green tea”. i made it with 98° water.
the mug is really pleasantly warm. it’s a little cool inside and i’m wearing my fingerless gloves, so i can cup it in both hands and feel the heat radiate. steam’s rising from the cup, and that’s an impossibly relaxing thing to see and feel as it brushes your face.
as it steeps the lightly stringent aroma begins to develop. my neck or throat is a little sore so taking that first sip is a little more difficult than i’d have expected. it’s still steaming hot, maybe 90-ish degrees, and the flavour barely comes through. at times like this, all you can do is keep smelling the roses. or the camellia sinensis, as the case may be.
blow a bit on the tea and the steam rushes to fog up your glasses.
i’m still struggling to taste it, and i don’t think it’s because it’s too hot. my taste buds might be a little out of it today. but one thing never fails: you let the tea flow into the back of your mouth — not yet swallowing, but letting it sit there and stimulate the taste buds at the back of your tongue. the bitter notes come out. works every time. the more bitter the tea, the more i love to do this — it’s like finally getting the full experience. (in reality, what’s probably happening is that it’s just stimulating more of your taste buds. the taste bud “map” suggests the bitter ones are at the back of your tongue, but that’s been thoroughly debunked.)
my throat is really getting quite sore by this point, and the tea isn’t something i’m very much able to focus on, or be mindful of. but it’s worth trying; when the going gets tough, etc. etc. it’s cool enough now (probably 70°) that i can take a relatively big sip and just hold it, swish it around my mouth. the temperature difference is really wonderful. it reminds me of a hot shower.